When Philanthropy Meets Fashion; A Nidarshana Gowani Presentation !

The Kamala Trust in collaboration with NFDC & NIFT at the 55th IFFI, Goa has conducted the trail blazing season of Pillars of Humanity 4.0 ! The event emphasised the concept of “Vikashit Bharat” , where every citizen has equal access to opportunities for personal and collective growth, thus the specially abled children were witnessed walking the ramp with the mainstream ones,  together celebrating the spirit of unity and growth ! The esteemed jury comprised of eminent designers like Narendra Kumar ,James Ferriera and Gavin Miguel who selected the participant…

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Poonam Bajpai Tiwari Honored With The Bharat Vibhushan Award: An Inspiring Success Story

New Delhi, November 22, 2024 : In a grand ceremony held at the Delhi Legislative Assembly, Popular Queen of Universe 2019 (IAWA ) and Mrs. India Pride of Nation 2017 title winner Poonam Bajpai Tiwari was awarded the prestigious Bharat Vibhushan Award. This recognition was bestowed upon her for her extraordinary contributions over 20 years in the fields of social service, personality development, and education. The award was presented by Honorable Ram Niwas Goel, Speaker of the Delhi Assembly.  Poonam Bajpai: A Journey from Struggles to Success Poonam Bajpai Tiwari,…

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Hanuman Sena Has Been Formed With The Aim Of Uniting Hindus

हिंदुओं को एकजुट करने के उद्देश्य से हनुमान सेना का गठन हिंदुओ को एक जुट करने में उद्देश्य से हनुमान सेना दिल्ली का गठन किया गया है। इसके साथ ही गठन के मौके पर मौजूद सदस्यों द्वारा हिंदुओं को एकजुट करने का भी संकल्प लिया गया। जगत गुरु स्वामी देवादित्यानंद सरस्वती के मार्गदर्शन में  संगठन संचालित होगी। संगठन का गठन व इसकी घोषणा के मौके पर ही  सर्वसम्मति से सेना का अध्यक्ष विपिन श्रीवास्तव को चुना गया है। विपिन श्रीवास्तव ने संगठन के विषय मे बताया कि सनातन धर्म के…

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